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About Us

We are an international firm that provides Fiscal Audit, Financial, Legal, Administrative, Systems, Internal Control and Risk Audit Services; We offer Legal, tax and labour Advice, at national level, in all the economic sectors, with high quality standards, under the International Standards on Auditing and Quality Control (ISQC1). We are certified in the ISO 9001:2015 quality standard in all our audit processes.


We are a national firm with an international focus, dedicated to providing services related to accounting science and directed to all economic sectors. We have enthusiastic collaborators who are committed to their work; we prepare and instruct ourselves day by day, in order to give guidance and timely suggestions that add value to our customers.


To be one of the ten (10) most recognized audit firms in Colombia in 2026, due to the professional services provision related to the accounting science, fulfilling the highest quality standards, seeking marketing projection, taking advantage of new technologies and office tools.

Quality policies

L&Q Revisores Fiscales Auditores Externos S.A.S., in compliance with its mission, undertakes, within the current legal regulations, to offer and provide Fiscal and External Audit services, with a high quality degree, guaranteeing compliance with our clients and interested parties requirements and satisfactions, as fundamental tools to ensure their permanence and firm growth.

We are committed to the SGC’s maintenance and continuous improvement, with competent and trained professionals who guarantee confidentiality, on all aspects related to the service.