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Financial Audit and External Audit

We offer a high-quality service supported by technological tools such as data analysis platforms and anomaly detection software for a more accurate and efficient approach to identifying potential issues. Our main focus is the protection of the integrity of your financial statements and the proactive mitigation of any potential risks.

Our offer includes Tax, Financial, Internal Control, Legal, and Labor Audits, with personalized support and advanced training that will strengthen your internal processes and financial operations, all backed by a team of multidisciplinary professionals highly trained in various areas.

Tax Advisory

Our service focuses on providing specialized guidance to individuals or companies regarding their tax compliance and the optimization of their tax structure, performing detailed analysis of current tax legislation, identifying opportunities to reduce the tax burden and the assistance with the preparation and filing of tax returns.

We perform tax impact assessments in various economic sectors, providing key information for personal and business decision-making.

We also offer transfer pricing services, tax due diligence, and double taxation treaty analysis to ensure that your international operations are carried out safely and in accordance with current regulations.

Audit and Assurance

Our range of audit services is meticulously designed to effectively support risk management, resources and information in your company. We employ a risk methodology supported by cutting-edge technological tools, allowing us to successfully identify and manage risks, always adapting to the unique nature and characteristics of your business.

Our Financial Statements audits are conducted in accordance with international auditing standards, allowing us to issue an unbiased opinion on the financial status of your organization.

Business Transparency and Ethics Program

This program encompasses the compliance policy and specific procedures established by the compliance officer. These are designed to prevent, identify, detect, manage, and mitigate the risks of corruption and transnational bribery that could threaten your company.

Our primary focus is on preserving your entity's invaluable reputation. As specialists, we provide precise guidance in risk identification and the creation of preventive strategies, ensuring compliance to the law and avoiding any illicit behavior that could undermine your image.

Delegate to us the responsibility of guiding your entity towards ethical excellence and regulatory compliance. Our experience and personalized approach ensure a successful implementation of this program, protecting your reputation and strengthening your marketplace position. Together, we will build a future characterized by integrity and success.

Compliance Officer – Transparency and Business Ethics Program (TBEP)

We expertly present proposals of the Prevention of Corruption and Transnational Bribery Plan for approval by the board of directors or the highest corporate body. In addition, we provide comprehensive reports that assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the PTEE, including specific improvement suggestions.

Our commitment extends to monitoring the compliance in an efficient and timely manner, while we coordinate internal training programs for a better understanding and adherence. Through a continuous process, we implement and update the Risk Matrix in accordance with changing needs and the importance of Corruption and Transnational Bribery risks, in line with the Compliance Policy.

We verify the proper follow-up of Due Diligence procedures and carefully monitoring of the management and preservation of relevant documents and data related to Corruption and Transnational Bribery Risk management and prevention. Our innovative methodologies for classification, identification, measurement, and control of Corruption and Transnational Bribery Risk are integrated into the PTEE, further reinforcing its effectiveness.


Our comprehensive approach includes the creation and review of policies tailored to your company, ensuring compliance with the strictest regulations. We structure custom risk management procedure manuals ranging from risk identification and measurement to continuous monitoring.

Implementamos el Sistema de Administración y Gestión de Riesgos con precisión y eficacia, asegurando que su empresa esté un paso adelante en la prevención. Nuestro equipo de expertos realiza un análisis profundo y establece procedimientos de debida diligencia, además verificamos señales de alerta para mantenerlo protegido, proporcionamos orientación especializada para identificar operaciones inusuales y operaciones sospechosas, manteniendo su empresa a salvo de cualquier actividad ilícita.

SAGRILAFT Compliance Officer

Our functions include ensuring efficient compliance with the program, reporting to key instances, promoting corrections and updates, coordinating training programs, evaluating audit reports, and certifications to the “Superintendencia de Sociedades”.

We verify Due Diligence procedures, take care of the appropriate archiving, design methodologies for risk control, issue the necessary reports and we ensure rigorous and effective management, backed by regulatory compliance.

Accounting Outsourcing

Ofrecemos un servicio completo orientado a la asistencia contable, esto abarca consultorías y asesorías diseñadas para la tercerización de las tareas vinculadas a las transacciones cotidianas de sus operaciones comerciales. Adicional, entregamos análisis y reportes exhaustivos que posibilitan a nuestros clientes lograr una comprensión más profunda de su situación financiera.

Our accounting processes include:
• Preparation and filing of taxes such as IVA, Withholding Tax, ICA, Rete ICA, Income Self-withholding Tax and others
•Declaración de Renta.
• Preparation of Financial Statements under NIIF International Standards, including Statement of Financial Position, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement and Changes in Equity.
• Review and presentation of Magnetic Media at national and district level.
• Management of permanence in the Tax Regime.
• Generation of reports and additional certifications for control companies.
• Monthly analysis of balance accounts.


Our focus is on risk mitigation and the correction of information inconsistencies, which leads to a significant reduction in sanctions.

However, our offer is not only limited to dispute resolution, we also provide a preventive solution through an exhaustive parafiscal and pension management audit. This audit type not only ensures regulatory compliance, also provides a in-depth and complete view of the processes related to parafiscal and pension management. We identify opportunities for improvement and optimization of resources, minimizing legal and financial risks. In addition, by demonstrating a strong commitment to fulfilling obligations and responsibilities, companies strengthen their reputation.